Event Management

We use our experience & innovations

Your premier Training, Conference and Large Scale event solutions for all of your event needs!

Event Management Services

We have everything to make your business a success

Corporate Trainings

Advaita creations specializes in hosting corporate training courses. Courses are led by top industry leader that will help individuals to learn latest trends, which will help in enhance the technical skills and knowledge to grow in their respective careers. Training courses will cover different categories

  • Information Technology
  • Finance & Management
  • Leadership
  • Marketing and communications

Courses will be held at Five-Star venues to create uninterrupted and focused learning experience.

Business Conferences

Advaita creations produces and host industry specific business conferences. Our conference programs are designed based on the thorough industry research, expert analysis and real time feedback from the industry experts. Our conferences will provide senior decision makers an ideal platform to meet and discuss about the emerging trends, latest technologies from the leading industry experts and more importantly, identify and forge new business opportunities.

Entertainment Event

This is one of our exciting portfolio, we bring regional and international celebrity artist to perform live on stage in front of large audience. These shows, live concerts will provide great platform for commercial and consumer companies to have their presence and brand visibility at the highest level.